Herds and grassland's steppes of Mongolia (148 images)
Herds and grassland's steppes of Mongolia
Vast landscapes of the Gobi, the snowcapped mountains of Bayanlgi and the dramatic gorges and sparkling lakes of Khovsgol. Sprinkle in the felt homes of the nomad and the cry of an eagle. Add Buddhist temples, mysterious ruins, abundant wildlife and legendary hospitality. This is Mongolia !
Galops au Pays du Vent
En voyageant de yourte en yourte dans les steppes de ce gigantesque pays, on voit surtout des...
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Vast landscapes of the Gobi, the snowcapped mountains of Bayanlgi and the dramatic gorges and sparkling lakes of Khovsgol. Sprinkle in the felt homes of the nomad and the cry of an eagle. Add Buddhist temples, mysterious ruins, abundant wildlife and legendary hospitality. This is Mongolia !
Galops au Pays du Vent
En voyageant de yourte en yourte dans les steppes de ce gigantesque pays, on voit surtout des...
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