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Forêt de Laurisylve du parc national de Garajonay sur l'île de Goméra. Les forêts de laurisylve de Macaronésie sont des reliques d'un type de végétation qui couvrait à l'origine la plupart du bassin de la Méditerranée lorsque le climat de la région était plus humide....The Garajonay NationalPark protects a unique forest ecosystem , the canary laurisilva, which originally thrived in the mist-filled zones of the northen solpes of the mountainous western canary islands..canary laurisilva is a genuine living fossil, the remains of subtropical forests which grew along the banks of what we now know as the mediterranean sea, some millions of years ago int he teritary period..Garajonay is the most extensive and best preserved surviving representative of this ecosystem and contains half the total surface area of mature laurisilva found in the Canary archipelago..
Jean Robert